Ignition Interlock Device
A court can require a driver to install an ignition interlock device in his or her car after a DUI conviction in Ohio. The idea behind the device is that it will curb the number of drunk drivers on the roadways, particularly those who have a history of getting behind the wheel while intoxicated.
However, it often is a serious and costly penalty that is tacked on to jail time, steep fines and other court-ordered punishments. Drivers are required to install and maintain the device at their own expense, which can cost hundreds of dollars. The best way to avoid the penalty is to avoid a conviction.
Ohio Drunk Driving Defense Lawyer
If you have been charged with a DUI offense in the Greater Cincinnati area, contact a DUI defense attorney at Joslyn Law Firm. The legal team at Joslyn Law Firm has years of experience fighting for those who facing drunk and drugged driving charges. They understand your future is important, and they will fight to have the charged reduced or dropped.
Ignition interlock devices are penalties that can carry steep penalties and sometimes social stigma. The attorneys at Joslyn Law Firm can help you fight to keep your driving privileges without the restrictive device. Call (513) 399-6289 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your unique case.
Information About Ignition Interlock Devices
What is an Ignition Interlock Device?
An ignition interlock device is a machine that connects a breath analyzer to a motor vehicle's ignition system to constantly monitor the concentration of alcohol in the breath of any person attempting to start the motor vehicle, according to Ohio law.
The device is designed to deter a vehicle from starting unless a person provides an adequate breath sample. The breath sample has to have a blood alcohol concentration lower than the preset amount. If a person fails to blow a clean sample, the vehicle will not start.
Additionally, several of the models also require the driver to take a breathalyzer sample while the vehicle is running to ensure they are not drinking and driving. This method also is used to ensure another person did not simply start the vehicle for a person who could be intoxicated. If alcohol content is over the limit or no sample was given, the device will give a signal to stop the vehicle.
The data collected from the device is stored in its memory and periodically uploaded to the database of the device provider. This can be done either wirelessly or manually at the provider’s office. The data is made available to the court to determine if there have been any violations.
Maintenance of the device can cost between $100 and $200 per month. There also could be charges for installation and removal, which generally total between $200 and $300. The Ohio Department of Public Safety has a list of approved devices and sites throughout the state in which they can be installed.
When an Ignition Interlock Device could be Required
In Ohio, a judge can order any driver who has been convicted of drunk or drugged driving to install an ignition interlock device in his or her vehicle. This could apply whether or not it is a person's first OVI conviction. However, in some instances it can be a mandatory penalty.
If a person is convicted of a second DUI offense within a six-year period, an ignition interlock device will be mandatory. Additionally, if a person is convicted of subsequent DUI offenses, the device will be required, in addition to other penalties.
Often when a person faces a DUI charge he or she also will have an administrative license suspension. If a person has his or her license suspended through the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles or as a result of a court-ordered punishment, the ignition device while be required when he or she has the right to drive again.
The length of time in which the device will be required can vary based on several factors, including your blood alcohol concentration at the time of the offense. If you have previous DUI convictions, you could be required to use the device longer. If a person does not install or maintain the device, he or she could face additional penalties.
Finding the Best DUI Defense Attorney in Ohio
Contact Joslyn Law Firm at (513) 399-6289 today to discuss your DUI case in the Greater Cincinnati area. Our experienced criminal defense attorneys can help you build a strong defense against the charges and work to have you driving privileges protected. Joslyn Law Firm represents clients throughout Hamilton County and the surrounding areas.