OVI with Property Damage
Given our state's punitive stance on drunk and drugged driving, it is no surprise that the prosecution comes down even harder on alleged offenders whose actions also caused extensive property damage. This extends to both public and private property in Ohio.
In addition to criminal consequences for OVI, you could face charges criminal charges for property damage and possibly even a civil case. A qualified defense attorney can help fight for a favorable outcome in all aspects of your case and charges.
Ohio DUI with Property Damage Attorney
If you or a loved one are facing these charges, it's critical to understand your legal options for all of our charges. At Joslyn Law Firm, our attorneys have successfully represented hundreds of routine and complex cases in Ohio. This includes misdemeanor and felony cases, as well as those heard in Mayor's Courts. We proudly represent communities in Hamilton, Sharonville, Lebanon, Forest Park, Middletown, Loveland, and all surrounding areas in the region.
With Joslyn Law Firm, your case gains the benefit of a team of attorneys and support staff, rather than a single Cincinnati DUI lawyer. Together, we work to weaken or entirely eliminate the prosecution's case against you. Your first consultation is free, so call (513) 399-6289 today.
Ohio Drunk or Drugged Driving Charges Involving Property Damage
- OH Property Damage with a Vehicle Laws
- Civil Considerations for OVI with Property Damage in Cincinnati
- Finding the Best Attorney in Cincinnati for OVI and Property Damage Charges
OH Property Damage with a Vehicle Laws
There are two criminal offenses regarding property damage with a vehicle in Ohio.
The first is operation in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property. This is defined in Ohio Rev. Code §4511.20 and states that "no person shall operate a vehicle, trackless trolley, or streetcar on any street or highway in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property." A violation of this law is a minor misdemeanor unless the offender has an adjudication of guilty for another traffic offense in the last year, in which case it is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. If there are two or more previous offenses in the last year, it becomes a third-degree misdemeanor.
The second offense is operation off street or highway in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property. A violation of this offense is also a minor misdemeanor, or fourth-degree misdemeanor with one prior, or third-degree misdemeanor with one prior as defined in ORC § 4511.201
Civil Considerations for OVI with Property Damage in Cincinnati
If your charge involved property damage, you have more to worry about than the penalties that come with a criminal conviction. The property owner can take civil measures against you to obtain financial compensation for the repair or replacement of what you damaged – whether that is a car, real estate, building, or anything else for which the individual can show actual ownership.
If you don't have liability insurance or adequate liability insurance, part or all of these damages will come out of your own pocket in addition to any fines or restitution mandated by the criminal court. Even if you are covered, your insurance company may exempt accidents involving a DUI charge or conviction against you. It's highly advisable to review your policy.
Finding the Best Attorney in Cincinnati for OVI and Property Damage Charges
The initial criminal charge of drunk driving is stressful enough, but when you add the financial consideration of damages to another's property it gets even more complicated. The experienced DUI defense attorneys at Joslyn Law Firm are passionate about helping you through the complicated legal process and understand the civil nature of these charges. They will represent you in all aspects of your case and fight hard for a favorable outcome.